Thursday 18 November 2010

Magazine Analysis Double Page Spread 1

As a magazine, Kerrang! connotes individuality and rebellion. This idea is carried on with this double page spread. The featured band is My Chemical Romance, the American rock group who have been in involved in a lot of scandal in recent years. Just over half the page is devoted to an image of the group, the right hand side of the page. The left third is devoted to the start of the article about their return gig to England. This layout is conventional to a music magazine as the layout will catch the readers attention when flicking through the magazine more than if text dominated such a page. The image doesn't stand out inparticularly as the band are wearing black, however the red hair of the lead singer Gerard way (situated at the front of the image) is eye catching as it contrasts with the black clothes and the green of the graphics used alongside the article. The colours chosen tie in with the house style of the magazine yet still helps represent what type of band My Chemical Romance are.
The headline of this page is written in the largest type face found on this particular page which makes it stand out. The type face used is designed to appear rustic and worn. It also gives the impression it is graffiti. The green used for the word 'Back' is written boldy in comparison. Thanks to the paint drops that appear on the B and the exclamation mark, it appears to have been painted on after publishing. This also helps give the impression that the banner headline is written in a graffiti style.

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