Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Changes made to each product.

In response to my audience feedback the above is the changes I made to my front cover. I believe this new cover adheres more to the conventions of an Indie music magazine. It looks overall more professional and the house style is more effective here as it is bold and engaging.

My audience feedback showed me that out of the 3 drafts and the 'final' copy of my contents page, it was my initial draft people liked more than the 'final' copy that I has made. It is for this reason that I made a few minor alterations to my contents page and have decided to use this as my final product.

My audience feedback to my double page spread was overall positive. The only issue really address was the fact that the text would be scwed by the fold in the double page spread. This meant I had to rearrage the collums for the article as well as the blurb for the story. I added a call out from the article as a focus point for this page.

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